Lady Lost in Love

Lady is my presentation. Lost is my inspiration. Love is my motivation.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In Rememberance of 09/11/01

That unforgettable morning, I was awoken to a frightening scene on the T.V. My husband at that time had taken the day off from work because it was our son’s 5th birthday that very same day; and we had a party planned for him that Saturday. I walked into the living room as he was watching t.v. I innocently asked him what movie he was watching, to my shock & dismay, he responded “it’s not a movie”. As soon as I took in the fact that this was really happening, I found myself cradled up on the corner of our couch. I was in a semi-fetus position, biting my nails away, hoping & praying that this was all a dream. But then, it happened, that terrible second this horrific image that will stay with us forever; the second plane hit the towers. I gasped for some air and as my heart pounded I tried my best to put that game face in front of Branden. But inside I feared that any minute now, Los Angeles would be struck too. As the day went by, I felt helpless; whishing there was something I could do to help. All I could do was to pray for this nightmare to be over. But it’s never really over, the fear is still there. All we can do is believe in the Lord & leave it all in his hands.

After this event you can’t help but have a sense of sadness & guilt for all those involved. Every year that goes by, Sept. 11th is a day that we all remember and hold a moment of silence for all that was lost. In my house it is also the day I celebrate each year God has given me with my son. Even if we are apart on this special day, we are close at heart. I give thanks to the Lord for whom he has blessed me with, & when I can I grab on to my son for dear life; swearing an oath to forever love him and show him just how much I do. That year Branden’s party was postponed for about two weekends after; his theme originally was Precious Moments Circus; we added a bit of our patriotic spirit by putting flags on the cake and patriotic colored ribbon throughout the park. It was the best party ever if I do say so my self because we all had this new appreciation for life.

The disaster of September 11th, 2001 brought tears to all of our hearts; through pain, anger and unity. The way the people reacted with such togetherness, well, it reminds me of a beautiful rose. You always see a beautiful rose with several petals standing on a long stem. As each petal falls, the stem is still standing; damaged but forever standing strong.


  • At 3:13 PM, Blogger Jose said…

    Beautifully stated, I got chills as I read this post and I had read many alredy.

  • At 10:15 PM, Blogger Chely said…

    It must be quite a feeling to remember a day that brought many such sorrow and yet rejoice for the blessing that is a child.

    To be honest, before 2001 I didn't even recall Branden's birthday, but now, I always remember!

    It has been very interesting to read everyone's stories and I'm glad you wrote yours too.

    (You and I will need to get together soon so I can show you how to upload pictures to your blog.)

  • At 1:54 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Wow I agree with my Dad, Lori... that did send chills up my spine. Wonderful story. I hope to hear many more!


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