This Day & Age
1- I’ve had one before, thank you. F.Y.I. Life does not get any easier just because you have a man on your side. In fact it’s like you just have somebody else to take care of or look after. Now maybe, and just maybe, if the guy & I were compatible enough to an extreme that we made each other happy as oppose to miserable, well maybe. But until then, I’m just fine, thank you. I am capable of doing many things for myself and I will be all right. (I think.)
2- I’m not “picky-picky”. I just know what I want. And so far, what I’ve had, I don’t want. Keep in mind I don’t regret any part of my ‘love’ experiences, after all is through those experiences that I’ve grown to who I am. But I guess once in a while I do think about that special someone who was made especially for me. Only God knows where he’s at & where or when I should meet him. Even if I was as picky as they say I am, he would have to be a gentle man, who makes me laugh, who cares for me and humbles himself to be loved. He needs to know the difference between being sincere, playful and when to give in. Maybe, I am picky.
3- The trying to set me up has got to stop. Even the Doctors I use to work for had their moments when ‘an interview’ would kick in and again they’d be shopping for a husband for their devoted worker. Not to sound concidete but I don’t’ think I need help finding someone (I think I’m a beautiful women, inside & out). After all I have experienced relationships before. Although it seems that some men are not comfortable with my honesty. They assume that I must be lying or being not myself. Others just assume I would never give them a chance and don’t even try. The worst are the ones that get weird out with all the chaos in my life.
In reality, the worst would actually be having found that person you taught you were looking for and them not being what you imagined at all. It hurts even more so to be well in tune with someone that you start getting so close to them. Close enough to put all your fears aside and imagine endless possibilities. But people & different circumstances get in the way causing doubts and having destiny work against you.
As I’ve mentioned before to my closest friends, in my lifetime I have found love; I have lost love and I have been loved. I now, have chosen to leave it all in God’s hands. Not in hopes that he may find “the one” for me, but in prayer that I may find contentment in knowing “I have loved and therefore lived!” “Because you have yet to live until you have loved.”------May God bring you all that you need to see all HIS love.
At 4:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Querida Lori,
Muy linda tu carta pero yo jamas te he querido meter con alguien para q'tengas novio. (je je je) Aunque la verdad creo q'si necesitamos tener un hombre hasta nuestro lado por lo menos para tu ya sabes que. (je je je) Pero como dice mi abuela:
"Matrimonio y Mortaja del cielo bajan."
Bueno lindita cuidate y vamos a bañarnos con agua floreada para q'nos vaya mejor en el amor.
Te quiero mucho.
Jossy (Sara)
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