Lady Lost in Love

Lady is my presentation. Lost is my inspiration. Love is my motivation.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Am I shrinking or what?

“As you grow older you grow wiser.”
Hum, I suppose some people stop growing even before they hit puberty.

It is easy to say ‘I understand’ but it does not necessarily mean that the person making this comment ‘really understands’. What am I babbling about? People. Dumb people, who instead of making their life easier by comprehending the most simplest things, are out there to make it harder on me and those others who’s mind works just a tat bit faster than theirs. (Wow, lately I’ve become this OLDER, BITTER, People get on my Nerves, woman.) (Maybe it is just the fact that I am WOMAN and my emotions change by the second!)

Ok, I will explain: There are a few people in my life who seem to innocently get on my last nerve. The young ladies I live with are incapable of cleaning after themselves, of feeding themselves and sometimes even clothing themselves. (The following names have been changed to keep anyone from kicking my %*%^#@.) “Malibu” is 17 yrs old and walks through the house as if nobody else exists by pushing people out of her way as she bounces from one room to another, talking non-stop on the cell phone. “Oompa-loompa” is about to turn 18 yrs old and has not grasped the concept of heating up a ‘tortilla’ or making her bed, she will sit there all day until somebody cooks and serves her. “Babygirl” is going to celebrate her 16th birthday soon and can never find a thing to wear, how to do her hair or even what to do next. Worst part is: they recently asked me what a ‘conscious’ was. (That cannot be good…..)

These three young ladies make such and effort to look good, have a boyfriend and get what they want when they want it. I love these girls very much and would do ‘just about anything’ to keep them out of trouble. I have sat plenty of times with this girls (who by the way are so not my daughters) and have had very good conversations. They say I teach them things in regards to the ‘facts of life’ and that they love me too. So why then have they not learned to put a new roll of paper in the restroom or pick up their dirty towels or close the door behind them each time they come in the house or to wash their own dish or to take a message or ….OK, I’m back.

Again, I ask am I shrinking? Because I’ve heard that as you get older you loose your height and every little thing bothers you. I figured that is the only reason I don’t have as much patience as before, that fact that I am getting older. Now, I know 28 is not old on a regular basis, but if you lived what I’ve lived you would pretty much be very tired. Oh, well, I will be 29 next month which gives me a whole year to be the big 30!!! (help…)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Please meditate on this.....

So, every now & then (everyday) I receive a few (a lot) forward emails (take my time from actually working emails) and have many mixed feelings (I am a confused person) in regards to them. Time consuming or not, I do enjoy them. Some of them make us cry, laugh (my favorite) and get us motivated (give me a cup of coffee & I am already motivated).

“What was my point to this?”…..oh, yeah!!!! I received the following words (more than once) and it is one of my favorites. So, please read, meditate on it, memorize it (if you are not as old as I am) and keep it in your heart.
I strongly believe in these words and am happy to share them with you (both).

P.S. I would have included the awesome picture if I wasn’t in such a hurry to go home and eat. Much love, a friend 

“”As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.””

Monday, January 29, 2007

My weekend...

Friday, Branden & I went to see the Epic Movie before his dad picked him up on their way to Texas (for a Quinceañera celebration). That night I picked up my little brother Frankie and tried hard to avoid Sylvia (my roommate) since she was on one of her trips (alcoholism is bad). I was unable to sleep that easily because I think I got used to Branden again and as I knew he was going to be so far away, I panicked, but Frankie came and put me to sleep then went off to see a movie with his girlfriend (blah-blah) in the living room.

Saturday morning Luigui called me to let me know they had arrived well. I still missed Branden. Later in the afternoon, Frankie & I began our great adventure. We went on the 'Metrolink', which is a bit fancier (more expensive) than the regular Red Line & Blue Line. It's nice, they have restrooms and are ALOT more comfortable than the pinchi BUS!!!! Anyway, needless to say, the adventure began when we kept trying to leave the house at a certain time so as not to miss the scheduled train, but things kept coming up.

Finally, we left the house in time, so we thought......we missed the train by 5 minutes. After an hour wait, we boarded the San Bernardino train going to LA Union Station.
It was both our first time and we were both looking out the window like two little kids. It was nice except for this one young passenger that annoyed the heck out of me. He kept talking as if he was the “S*^%^*%*T”, bragging about things to just about anybody who would listen to him. For a minute there I picture his little body flying out through the window, I’m glad my little bro was there to hold my ground. Anyway, we get off the trains and walk out the station with question marks on the clouds and street signs (obviously we were lost). Wait, let me not forget to mention that when we left the city of Fontana it was sunny and my brother had no sweater or jacket and was wearing shorts. We got to the city of angels to fond out that it was crying (raining). So, I figured, since we are a bit lost, getting dredged, and in a hurry because we had to see my brother J>D> by a certain time, I decided to take a taxi. Well…….the taxi driver said in a very rude and stupid manner “You don’t need a taxi. You are just going right there (and pointed to one of the many buildings in downtown Los Angels). You only go down a few lights, make a right, go under the bridge and you will be right there.” (Still remembering my little brother was with me.) I replied in a minor sarcastic way “Thank you, sir. You have been a bunch of help. I guess now we will have some lunch money. (You s*^&^&*!!)”

Anyway, Frankie & I ran across the street to the Placita Olvera’s market place and bought a sweater for him with the ‘would be’ taxi man’s money. Continued to walk down the two blocks like the TAXI man said, down and under the bridge like the TAXI man said and ended up in front of the building, like the TAXI man said. Why am I still upset then???? Because we STILL had to walk instead of getting the TAXI. We STILL got wet due to the pouring rain. We STILL got there late. Because of two (2!!!!) miserable minutes, they did not allow us to visit with our brother. Now, if I was an angry person, I would go back to that TAXI driver whom denied us service and run him over with his own TAXI. But, I am not an angry, revengeful, unforgiving, impatient person. I am a bit Temperamental at times, but not an angry person.

Ok, basically…….The woman I live with has become a BAD drunk….See, there is good-drunk, the type that drinks for fun and gets over it the next day to continue with normal duties in life. Then there is bad –drunk, the type that drink as a hobby (everyday) and NEVER comes down, but in the case they do come down from that type of high….there is hell to pay. She slams doors, throws things, breaks dishes and wants to beat up her kids……I have to look after her children and her.

These events bring me to a complete halt for about 3 seconds. Ok, Lori, pause, breath and continue your path. I am in a crossroads at this time and must decide if I walk over these rusty tracks to get to the other side or do I keep waiting for that train to come that might just end up running me over????

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Goodbye 2006, Thank U 4 a good year!

I have been asked by half of my readers (which equals to one) as to why I have not posted for such a long while. My answer was and is "I have so much to say and nothing at all." go figure?????

So, since my last post, I have been in a 'roller coaster' of emotions and slightly got off for a few moments so as to give you an update to a few previous posts:

10-26-06 All in his hands
In this post I took the opportunity to send out some words to a few of my closest friends in hopes that they would Aleve them of some of their painful situations. Well, let me just explain, everybody is different, and each one of our circumstances at time may seem similar to one another, but yet are different. Since my post, I have met with these few friends witch resulted in both new beginnings and pending farewells. It does break my heart to say that it one of my friends has chosen a path that separates her from ours but, to each their own. As for 'my friend's mess', my intention was never to make it all go away but only to show them that I am here for whatever they needed me for and whenever they need me. I believe they do know that now.

11/10/06 Hello, is there anybody out there?
YES, I was able to find a date to my work’s X-mas party!!! The party was Dec. 15, in Corona at a very elegant country club and it was a gambler’s delight. My date: Two young, handsome, FUNNY men!!! Yep, not one, but two dates for my party……WOW! Ok, I’m not ALL that, I wasn’t even going to go anymore. I was being so picky due to the fact that I am not trying to date at this time and at the same time if I’d ask one of my ‘old guy friends’ they would so confuse things. At the end, the two boys I work with, especially my friend Oscar, convinced me. Jerry took his girlfriend and Oscar took a date. But they both made it clear to the girls and to the rest of my co-workers, that I too was their date. In fact, when it came to the pictures, all you see is couples or single poses, my picture: A gorgeous young lady with one handsome man on each side. AWESOME!!!

12/05/06 Did U miss me?
Result of 11/05/06 Blessed weekend
Branden (my son) is now living back with me. You can only imagine how blessed I feel. My son is ecstatic. He’s been with me for the past month and of course, we both had to make some adjustments. But it is amazing to be able hug him good night and good morning. I know his dad misses him, because I missed Branden so very much when he went to live with him. So, I try very hard to remind Branden that his attention needs to go to his dad when he calls s him even if there is something he wants to see on TV. or if he wants to continue playing with the kids. Anyway, he started school over here and loves the facts that he doesn’t have to wear a school uniform and
that his mascot is a HAWK!

Branden and I always have a good talk before praying and going to bed. He tells me how his day went, his concerns and his wants. I tell him how my day went, remind him of his responsibilities and tell him just how much I love him. Example of my son’s prayer: Thank you Lord for taking care of us and loving us so much. Please take care of our family and everybody in the world. “Thank you for the food you give us and please help the children that have no food.”