My weekend...
Saturday morning Luigui called me to let me know they had arrived well. I still missed Branden. Later in the afternoon, Frankie & I began our great adventure. We went on the 'Metrolink', which is a bit fancier (more expensive) than the regular Red Line & Blue Line. It's nice, they have restrooms and are ALOT more comfortable than the pinchi BUS!!!! Anyway, needless to say, the adventure began when we kept trying to leave the house at a certain time so as not to miss the scheduled train, but things kept coming up.
Finally, we left the house in time, so we thought......we missed the train by 5 minutes. After an hour wait, we boarded the San Bernardino train going to LA Union Station.
It was both our first time and we were both looking out the window like two little kids. It was nice except for this one young passenger that annoyed the heck out of me. He kept talking as if he was the “S*^%^*%*T”, bragging about things to just about anybody who would listen to him. For a minute there I picture his little body flying out through the window, I’m glad my little bro was there to hold my ground. Anyway, we get off the trains and walk out the station with question marks on the clouds and street signs (obviously we were lost). Wait, let me not forget to mention that when we left the city of Fontana it was sunny and my brother had no sweater or jacket and was wearing shorts. We got to the city of angels to fond out that it was crying (raining). So, I figured, since we are a bit lost, getting dredged, and in a hurry because we had to see my brother J>D> by a certain time, I decided to take a taxi. Well…….the taxi driver said in a very rude and stupid manner “You don’t need a taxi. You are just going right there (and pointed to one of the many buildings in downtown Los Angels). You only go down a few lights, make a right, go under the bridge and you will be right there.” (Still remembering my little brother was with me.) I replied in a minor sarcastic way “Thank you, sir. You have been a bunch of help. I guess now we will have some lunch money. (You s*^&^&*!!)”
Anyway, Frankie & I ran across the street to the Placita Olvera’s market place and bought a sweater for him with the ‘would be’ taxi man’s money. Continued to walk down the two blocks like the TAXI man said, down and under the bridge like the TAXI man said and ended up in front of the building, like the TAXI man said. Why am I still upset then???? Because we STILL had to walk instead of getting the TAXI. We STILL got wet due to the pouring rain. We STILL got there late. Because of two (2!!!!) miserable minutes, they did not allow us to visit with our brother. Now, if I was an angry person, I would go back to that TAXI driver whom denied us service and run him over with his own TAXI. But, I am not an angry, revengeful, unforgiving, impatient person. I am a bit Temperamental at times, but not an angry person.
Ok, basically…….The woman I live with has become a BAD drunk….See, there is good-drunk, the type that drinks for fun and gets over it the next day to continue with normal duties in life. Then there is bad –drunk, the type that drink as a hobby (everyday) and NEVER comes down, but in the case they do come down from that type of high….there is hell to pay. She slams doors, throws things, breaks dishes and wants to beat up her kids……I have to look after her children and her.
These events bring me to a complete halt for about 3 seconds. Ok, Lori, pause, breath and continue your path. I am in a crossroads at this time and must decide if I walk over these rusty tracks to get to the other side or do I keep waiting for that train to come that might just end up running me over????
At 10:26 PM,
Jose said…
Damn, first you don't post for a long time and when you do I almost run out of breath reading.
Sad to hear you were late to see your bro. Hope your luck changes soon,and be careful with your room mate.
Looking forward to your next adventure.
At 3:07 PM,
Chely said…
OMG Lori,
I know this was not fun for you but I was cracking up as I was reading. I had to hold my mouth close as to not disturb my co-workers who, unlike me, are working.
Although the situations are very serious, your description of them, are hilarious!
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