Lady Lost in Love

Lady is my presentation. Lost is my inspiration. Love is my motivation.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The 'silly' things they say

Kids say the cutest things. Beginning with the main one in my life. Branden, has always been entertaining. He is a silly, silly boy and comes out with the funniest things to say.

The other day I was talking to him on the phone as I was having dinner with a friend. My son asked me “Who are you with?” I said “A friend.” “Are you sure it’s just a friend? Are you sure it’s not your BF?”
Wait a minute, BF? I am not that old I still remember when we use to say BF in school. What does my 10 yr old know about BFS? Anyway, I asked “BF? What’s a BF?” He says, “Boyfriend. You’re with your boyfriend aren’t you?” I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear and tried hard not to laugh. “Of course not baby. Mommy doesn’t have a boyfriend & will not have one for a very long time. Why would you say I was with my boyfriend?” He responded: “I want you to have a boyfriend. Well, not really. I don’t want you to have a boyfriend But then I feel bad because I don’t. So, I guess I do. I don’t know.”

Yesterday he asked me why do I always say bootie and not BUTT (when I say to him “I’m going to kick your booty!!!”) “Hello, you’re my baby. You still have a booty. Now, your dad, he has A BUUUTTTT.” “MA!!!! I’m not a baby!!!! I'm 10 years old already!” I said to him for the millionth time “You are still my baby & will always & forever be my baby. You will grow up, get married, have your own babies & yet, STILL BE MY BABY…” He brings a smile to my face by responding: “Yes, mom, I know I’ll always be your baby. But everyone else doesn’t have to know.”

My baby is SOOOOO cute! Isn’t my baby Soooo cute?
Yep, that’s my baby, sooooo cute!


  • At 11:54 AM, Blogger Chely said…

    Hey!!! You finally posted pictures!

    I'm a witness to Branden's witty comments. He's an awesome little ten-year old.

    He looks sooooo much like Luigui on the "baby" picture:)

    My favorite Branden story is when we were celebrating Crystal's Quinceanera and the police dropped by to ask us to turn off the loud music.

    I was trying to be cordial to the officers when all of a sudden Branden walks up to the cops and asks in a high pitch voice, "Are you here to arrest me?" The officer smiled, looked at him and said, "Nooo" and Branden then asked, "Well, why not?"

    Needless to say, the officer thought he was so cute and was softened up so he allowed us to only lower the music instead of turning it off!

    To this day, any time we have big parties at my house, I make sure Branden is there=D

  • At 6:00 AM, Blogger Battlerocker said…

    Very cute baby.

  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger Jose said…

    We took Diego to see the movie "Cars" to the theather when it came out and now he thinks he is a car. He gets flat tires which Sylvia has to re-fill with air, he sucks gas out of her finger and the other day he asked Michelle if she could change his name to Lighting McQueen. Yeap I do say kids say the darnest and cutes things.

    Branden is ten already? I may have seen him when he was a baby once or twice, how time flies.


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