Lady Lost in Love

Lady is my presentation. Lost is my inspiration. Love is my motivation.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Cheers to the Battle Rocker

A toast, with a great tasting cup of coffee, of course.
This morning I read his a.k.a. emergency re:coffee and it inspired me to give you my coffee stories.
To begin, let me just mentioned that I have been drinking since I was a little girl. My abuelita Chabela would make a daily (all day) dose of café con leche. Yummy :) I would have to sneak some for myself because my ‘mother’ would scream at me saying “you’re too young to be drinking coffee, I don’t even drink coffee and you think blah, blah, blah!”. So, anyway, I obviously get the genes from my abuela. When I finally became an adult (15 yrs old or so), I was able to make my own café con leche (ha, ha). Now my son asks me once and a while for a taste, I say to him “you are too little to be drinking coffee, after all your young body doesn’t need this type of addiction. :( but you can always take a sip off your mommy’s café con leche ;).

Today, I woke up at 5:00 am; put my ‘agua a ervir’, and peacefully enjoyed mi café con leche at home. I arrived here at work about 1 hr ago, drank a cup from the fresh pot of coffee made by my coworker. By the time I actually begin working (8:00am) I should be ready for another cup. Now that sounds like an addiction, but it’s not. I actually don’t drink another cup til much, much later in the day.

Here at work just about everybody drinks their coffee. In fact, for my supervisor’s birthday I found the perfect gift. She and her husband enjoy fishing and this gift was something they can take along on their fishing trips. As I walked in to ’Starbucks’ (hello….) I saw this gift set that had a thermos and a pair of mugs for the coffee inside a backpack looking thing (????). She was ecstatic!!!! (Yeigh, brownie points for me……..J/J)

As for those who don’t drink coffee, I don’t know if I should feel proud for you or sad for you.
Pero YO, necesito mi café con leche :)


  • At 12:28 AM, Blogger Chely said…

    Hey Lori, I'm back!!!

    Well, as you know, I am a Cafe con Leche drinker as well.

    Nothing beats hot milk and 2 and a quarter spoonfuls of General Foods International Coffee "Orange Cappuccino".

    As opposed to many, I only drink it once-a-day religiously for breakfast. This coffee is so strong that one cup will get me through the day. But beware if I run out, because I will be sleepy, sleepy, sleepy & without energy all day.

    So, I haul my Orange Cappuccino to relative's homes when I visit all the time and last week, I packed it first to go on my cruise trip. Many people would be in line waiting for their turn to get coffee and I would slide right in to the "hot water" container (there is no hot milk), then I'd pull out my coffee from my purse, stir and drink away. Ahhhhhh!

    Now I was ready to experience new adventures!

  • At 12:33 PM, Blogger Jose said…

    As a kid that was the only way I would dring my coffee, with nothing but milk. Now I use mostly water and top it of with milk, however I just cannot get used to powder cream or flavored creamers. Guacala.

  • At 9:26 AM, Blogger Chely said…


    Since this is the only mode of communication you and I have, I want to let you know that Eva, Martha & me are getting together this Friday at "Casa Cabral" for Karaoke and adventure telling.

    Can you join us? A time has not been set yet, but I would imagine from 8:00 p.m. on.

    Call me or Email me at work:)

    Hope you can make it. Besitos!


  • At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for the Cheers! Sorry it took me a few days to find it. You story is after my own heart. I'll think of you with tomorrow morning's pot. Till then, sweet dreams!

  • At 9:57 PM, Blogger Chely said…


    Did you get home OK? I got your message.

    Just wondering!



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